illustrations from our absolute favorite: Brenna Quinlan
Tune in and permaculture will capture your heart too. With both of our academic histories in food politics and environmental studies, we’ve been introduced and part of many related movements, but none like this.
We began on the Permaculture path in 2016 and have not looked back, resonating with the firmly rooted ethics of Permaculture and the practical, non-prescriptive set of principles that guide problem solving. Permaculture is born out of Australia, co-founded by Bill Mollison and David Holmgren.
You can think of this movement as an umbrella which many diverse natural farming techniques and holistic land management strategies nestle inside of. It is defined by its use of whole-systems design thinking and set of ethics: care of earth, care of people, fair share and diverse principles that guide all permaculturists. These ethics and principles make Permaculture applicable all over the world, into hugely varied biomes and climate zones. It is not prescriptive and does not populate specific answers, instead Permaculture is based on observation of nature, the trust that nature has the answers and on stretching your mind to come up solutions unique to that place based on your ongoing observations. We design systems that work with nature, not against her, in order to create maximum efficiency and resilience.
If you are interested in learning more, look out for our Intro to Permaculture workshop or head over to one of our favorite Permaculture website for further reading. Laura is a certified Permaculture teacher and runs fully accredited 72 hour Permaculture Design Courses. Our first PDC completed in 2019 with the upcoming one planned for October 2020 - with the current Covid-19 situation we will likely postpone till later in 2020 or early 2021.
" Consciously designed landscapes which mimic the patterns and relationships found in nature, while yielding an abundance of food, fibre and energy for provision of local needs. "
- David Holmgren
“ The greatest change we need to make is from consumption to production, even if on a small scale, in our own gardens. If only 10% of us do this, there is enough for everyone. Hence the futility of revolutionaries who have no gardens, who depend on the very system they attack, and who produce words and bullets, not food and shelter. ”
- Bill Mollison