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Farm & Brewery Tour

  • 600 Indian rupees
  • Bhilar Road

Service Description

Fall in love with the magic of Mother Nature and enjoy a unique Panchgani experience. FARM: Learn about Permaculture and natural farming techniques through real-world examples as you tour the farm and see how we grow food, save water, raise animals, cook with wood and live zero-waste. Pluck and taste herbs, edible flowers and leafy greens straight from the farm! BREWERY: See how Rise Up Kombucha is brewed on site and taste your way through our range of delicious, genuinely probiotic kombucha. This is a 1-1.5 hour experience, led by a trained & certified Permaculturist. We include snacks and unlimited tastings of our signature Rise Up Kombucha. This is great for all ages and kids LOVE it!

Upcoming Sessions

Contact Details

  • The Odd Gumnut Permaculture Farm, Bhilar Road, Panchgani, Maharashtra, India


"Food after all is life… Every time you eat, you can make a massive change. You can throw your weight behind ecosystems, behind diversity, behind farmers. Or you can throw your weight behind greed, behind super profits, behind ill health that is killing both this planet and its people. Make your choice. It’s easy"  - Vandana Shiva

Contact Us

The Odd Gumnut Permaculture Farm

Krishna Bungalow Bhilar Estate

 Panchgani Maharashtra India


+91 913 608 8682

+91 740 017 5557

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